1. Register for the International Student Carbon Footprint Challenge by clicking on this URL
https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/iscfc/ fpcalc.php?version=full
2. Access and complete the carbon footprint calculator to determine your personal carbon footprint.
3. Print out the page where your total is calculated to confirm you have completed this exercise.
4. Determine the difference between your total footprint and that of five other groups of students across the globe by subtracting your total from five other totals accessed via this URL:
https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/iscfc/co mpare.php
5. Record the five differences you calculated.
Explain if you think the global location of these students influenced their numbers? How/why? or why not?
6. You calculated your total footprint using information about 4 categories including:
* home energy and appliances
* food
* personal purchases
* transportation
Identify one item within each category you think you may be able to adjust to reduce your footprint in that category.
7. Record your list of each item per category you will try to adjust.
8. Create a log by listing the four categories and the adjustment you will try to make.
every week, for 12 weeks,
determine (y/n) if you were able to adjust your behavior in each category.
For example...
within the category food, if you decide you would try to not eat meat one day per week, record if you were able to do so for
each week for a 12 week period.
protocol ->
9. Determine your new carbon footprint after having made the adjustments in each of the four categories. Has your personal footprint changed? Print out the page showing your second calculation.
10. Submit the original log you kept which assessed your efforts to modify your behavior in each of the 4 categories.
Please don't rewrite your log.
Submit the one you kept during the project.
I'm not going to reward or penalize
anyone for their numbers.
This is an exercise to make you aware of how your behavior affects our planet.
Our climate crisis seems overwhelming, right?
And we think...
'how can one person's behavior make a difference?'
But we are each part of the solution.
EACH of us has the power to make a difference.
All great movements started with one person saying 'enough'!
11. Discuss which behavior was easiest vs hardest to alter.
submit the results of this project by May 1st
begin this project by January 24th
Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal
submit as an attachment to an email to me your info/results from
#s 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
no later than May 1st
Our carbon footprints are the total amount of greenhouse gases like methane and carbon that we generate through our behavior. The IPCC has identified there needs to be a drop of the average global carbon footprint (per year per person) to less than 2 tons by 2050 in order to avoid an 2 degree increase global temperatures.
You will be completing a project using
a Stanford University program called I2SEA.
what is a
carbon footprint?