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1 nucleotide contains:
1 deoxyribose sugar
1 phosphate group
1 nitrogenous base
is when amino acids are lined up in a particular order using RNA as a
is when RNA is assembled using DNA as a template
What's RNA?
Transcription (in the nucleus):
RNA is assembled using DNA
as a template
DNA ladder unzips at particular
"recipe" (gene) for a protein
RNA nucleotides are matched to the
template strand: C matched to G
G matched to C
A matched to T
U matched to A
Completed RNA detaches and
leaves the nucleus
Translation (in the ribosome/cytoplasm)
amino acids are lined up in a particular
order using RNA as a template.
DNA is a polymer composed of
monomers called nucleotides.
There are 4 DNA nucleotides.
A = Adenine
T = Thymine
C = Cytosine
G = Guanine
These nucleotides covalently
bond along the backbone of the
DNA ladder. The phosphate of
one nucleotides bonds to the sugar
of the nucleotide above it. The
nucleotides also hydrogen bond
along the rungs of the DNA ladder.
A hydrogen bonds to T
C hydrogen bonds to G
RNA is assembled from RNA nucleotides using DNA as a template.
The four RNA nucleotides are:
Guanine and
Uracil instead of Thymine
Structure & Function
What is DNA?