​ Gram Stain Technique is a fast and easy test to classify/identify
bacteria based on the bacterium's
cell wall structure. Gram Stain is commonly used to identify infectious bacteria.

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the Gram Stain Technique

                      4 steps of the Gram Stain procedure

 1. crystal violet dye = initial staining.
 2. fixing the dye = using iodine to form crystal violet- iodine complex to                                                               prevent easy removal of dye
 3. decolorizer = ethanol solvent is used to remove the dye.
                              gram negative: lipid layer is dissolved and the primary stain is
​                                                          washed away
​                                 gram positive: solvent dehydrates the cell wall and                                                                                               closes pores which prevents the loss of the                                                                                   violet-iodine stain
4. fuchin or safranin stain/counterstain = give decolorized gram-negative                                                                                                       bacteria a pink color so they can 
​                                                                             be identified.