Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal

the products will be
​ galactose + ortho-nitrophenol

​via dehydration synthesis =
is the process by which complex molecules are synthesized from simpler molecules

​ will be used as the substrate instead of lactose

are amazing molecules that can either help construct a biological molecule or degrade one. 

catabolism via hydrolysis = 
 the breakdown of complex molecules to form simpler ones, together with the release of energy

synthetic  enzymes

the substrate will be ONPG 

the enzyme will be lactase


today, we'll be measuring the effect temperature has on the activity of the lactase enzyme. 

degradative enzymes 

what is lactase?

the lactase enzyme catabolizes lactose (a disaccharide)
producing two monosaccharides, galactose and glucose

today's lab will examine a similar reaction...

is yellow

if this reaction is run at

4 degrees,
25 degrees,
37 degrees
60 degrees

do you think there will be a difference in the activity of the enzyme?

How will you measure the activity of the enzyme?

Could a spectrophotometer help?


Assemble a hypothesis using this information.