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Domain Eukarya
Kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
and yet there are certainly fungal pathogens
protists can be ameboid, ciliated, flagellated, or form spores.
eukaryotic, heterotrophic organisms/microorganisms
yeasts, molds, mushrooms with a chitinous cell wall.
and microscopic animals that cause disease are...
only a few protists are pathogenic, usually transmitted via contaminated water, insect bites, or human-human contact
Kingdom Protista
pathogenic protists
Plasmodium (malaria)
transmitted via the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes
Trypanosoma (African sleeping sickness)
transmitted via the bites of infected tsetse flies
Giardia (giardiasis)
transmitted via anything that gets poop
on it...water, food, surfaces, or objects
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Animalia
animals may also act as intermediaries in the disease process....
Kingdom Plantae
of the 290,000 known species of plants,
zero are pathogenic
found almost everywhere.
used to be categorized as plants
(cell wall, anchored in substrate)
but they do not photosynthesize.
protists are autotrophic or heterotrophic
Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis)
transmitted via food, water, soil, and contact with cats.
Entamoeba histolytica (amoebiasis)
transmitted via contaminated
food, water or surfaces