Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal
Through the interactions of organisms and their environments, energy and matter are transferred.
Why is it critical we,
you + me = we
understand the principles of science??
All organisms exhibit commonality in:
1. their requirement for nutrients
2. their homeostatic response to stimuli
3. having nucleic acids as carrier of genetic information
4. ability to reproduce independently
5. being cellular
You must have the ability to understand and critically evaluate evidence to
draw a conclusion based on logic and data ...
in allll things in our world
Life can be examined by observing how the simple assemble to form the complex in ever increasing levels of complexity.
All living organisms share a common
line of descent .
A scientific THEORY, like gravity or evolution, is based on a hypothesis that has not been proven false after exhaustive experimental testing. Scientific theories can be modified/revised as new information is discovered.
DNA is the cornerstone of
all life is cellular
sensing and adjusting to shifts in the internal/external environment in an attempt to maintain a balanced state
life reproduces independently
relies on predetermined conclusions that cannot be tested and experimentally proven false.
Pseudoscientific claims are often based on anecdotal evidence, not scientific data.
Science relies on an objective and systematic process involving observation, experimentation, and analysis.