Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal

 Please remember this is
​    a sixth grade science fair project.

your scientific research poster does NOT need to be
professionally generated...
simple poster paper is sufficient

Please bring 14 copies of this student review form --> with you to lab class on the day you present your posters.

your scientific poster is a visual representation of your data.
Keep it organized, easy to read, and logical.

                  firm due dates:

submit draft proposal: 8/29     5pts
submit formal proposal: 9/19   5pts
submit update: 10/10                 5pts
submit poster: 11/28                 60pts

This semester, you have the opportunity to earn 75 points toward your final grade by designing, implementing, analyzing and presenting an independent research project. You will follow the general principles of scientific discovery.


What to include?
title, author and affiliations, introduction/abstract, methods, results, conclusions,
references and contact information

