Welcome to Dr. Kate Brilakis' Learning Portal

   RFR =
​reproductive replacement rate
 how many offspring must be born to replace one mating pair

in a population

   Population Ecology

             interspecies interactions

   Ecological Cycles

     how/why  is                TFR
       related to
​            IMR?

               ecological homeostasis

what are some examples of
biotic factors?
abiotic factors?

      the Global Human Population

resource management...

clean water



    rabbits in Australia

  human facilitated jump dispersal




resource management...feeding the world

 vs niche

age demographics

Toxic bait cartridges automatically fired from helicopters may be the first successful way to efficiently reduce numbers of invasive brown tree snakes at the landscape scale on the island of Guam.

In 1859, European rabbits were introduced into the Australian wild as hunting sport. It is estimated that there are currently 200 million rabbits descended from the original 24 wild rabbits first released. No natural predators and their rapid breeding cycle (4 litters/year w. 5 kits) permitted the explosion of the population. 

clean freshwater is essential.
1.1 billion people lack access to water.
2.7 billion experience water scarcity at least one month a year.
By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population may be facing water shortages

​ efficiency

WHO = world health organization

 The brown tree snake has destroyed both the habitat and species directly. These snakes outnumber people on Guam
ten to one. Guam has no native snakes, so the native animals had no experience reacting to predators, and since it’s a mostly closed island system, the species that were there have had no ability to combat the snakes. Many of the native bird species have been completely extinct.
 Tree snake populations are being culled today through trapping and poisoning, with specialized trackers being specifically implanted into the snakes in order to find out migration patterns and better understand where they frequent so hunters can more easily locate and eliminate them.

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in Earth's atmosphere at 78% but atmospheric nitrogen can't be used. Nitrogen gas (N2) has two N atoms connected by a triple bond. Most plants and animals cannot use the nitrogen in nitrogen gas because they cannot break that triple bond. In order for plants to make use of nitrogen, it must be transformed into molecules they can use... ammonium NH4, nitrate NO3, urea (NH2)2CO.

why human population matters


human population growth vs other species population decline


    keystone species

1. rabbits infected with myxoma (causing myxomatosis) were released. A great experiment in natural selection occurred with the rabbits eventually developing an immunity to the virus.
2. Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)
transmitted by flies, kills rabbits in 48 hours.
In 1995, this virus escaped a quarantine lab, lowering rabbit numbers by 90 percent. But rabbits in cooler/wet regions weren't affected. populations have developed resistance to this virus as well.  

The brown tree snake has decimated Guam’s birds,
causing the local extinction of more than half of Guam’s native bird and lizard species as well as two out of three of Guam’s native bat species. By eliminating native pollinators the brown tree snake has also 
reduced plant populations. 

 Kudzu was first introduced to the United States during the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 where it was touted as a great ornamental plant for its sweet-smelling blooms and sturdy vines

International Conference on Population and Development

       trophic levels

 A habitat is the place where an organism lives while a niche is that organism's role within that environment. Habitat focuses on how the environment impacts the organism while niche focuses on how the organism impacts the environment.

can you think of another example?

    brown tree snake and  Guam 


is human

         intentional or

  Defining Ecosystems

how does the role
​of women in a population
affect TFR?